Dental Health In Our School
Every class in the school enjoyed the benefit of having a dental health promotional seminar. The topics focused on 'Why it is important to brush our teeth and look after our diet'. The chemistry behind dental decay was simplified and explained to the children so they could understand why the advice given is as important. Also that conscious eating habits and brushing frequencies impact their dental health. They learned to spell FLUORIDE and that toothpaste must contain 1450ppm F for optimal daily fluoride absorption onto teeth. Students learned about the 'Rule of 2s' when caring for their teeth. These include:
• Everyone only has 2 sets of dentition (baby teeth and permanent adult teeth), so it is pertinent that good dental health habits are established early and maintained.
• Brush teeth twice a day, after breakfast and before they go to sleep.
• Spend 2 minutes brushing teeth and use a sand timer or a smartphone timer.
• Don't forget to brush the gums and tongue.
• Snacks and treats within reasonable quantities should only be consumed twice a week, after a meal and followed by a drink of water or plain milk.
• Chocolates are better than gummies as snacks.
• Fizzy drinks and sparkling/flavoured water at all costs should be avoided.
• Change your toothbrush every 2-3 months.
We are hoping to revise and build on this foundation next year and expect some future dentists and hygienists from the Muslim National School in the future!